Need Homeless Assistance?
Call 469-864-6240

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
-Leo Buscaglia
Does Ellis County really need a shelter?
Your donation helps with:
$50 = Emergency Food Box
These boxes help keep our people fed and healthy.
$75 = Phone & Phone Card
Phones are critical for the homeless for safety, job hunting, maintaining a job, resource connections.
$100 = Gas for 2 Families
A tank of gas helps keep families in need, moving through our area, headed to their destination.
$200 = Bus Ticket
This enable us to purchase a Greyhound bus ticket to get someone to family or friends outside our area who can help them.

We Need
Visit with clients to determine their needs
Make phone calls
Pack backpacks with supplies
Help at events
Homelessness is not simply the result of irresponsibility; nor is it a disease of only the uneducated or addicted. It is the result of the lack of a “Living Wage,” divorce, job loss and health issues. It is a reversible condition, and when one is willing to change their situation, we are there.
Learn More About Homelessness
Why are people Homeless?
Types of Homelessness
& other information
Volunteer positions also available.
Your donations go to help your neighbors in Ellis County with food, clothing, gas and car repairs for families living in their cars, rental/utility assistance, finding affordable housing, and other needs.
The need for help with temporary shelter and permanent housing is growing. The Ellis County Homeless Coalition (ECHC) is being overwhelmed with the spike in homelessness caused by evictions and the lack of affordable rental units. We are now being contacted by local food pantries for help with their clients living in their cars or area motels around our county.
We need your help to work with people that are being or have been evicted. Most of them became so far behind in rent due to layoffs, sicknesses or an unexpected expense that they were unable to make it up and stay in their homes, even when they went back to work. And, with the average rent now more than $1.60/ sq ft, it is a landlord’s market. Those with a previous eviction on their record, poor credit or whose income isn’t three times the rent are passed over, leaving a rising homeless problem.
We need your help with monetary donations or volunteer time.
Outreach Team to check on the new sightings and our old friends
Help with social media campaigns.